
How Meditation Can Help You Grow Your Business

Meditation is not just a great way to relax and reduce stress, it?s also a fantastic tool for helping you grow your business. By using meditation in your everyday life, you can gain clarity about what you want from life, become more aware of your thoughts and actions, and uncover new opportunities that might otherwise have gone unnoticed. Meditation has many benefits for entrepreneurs that will help you succeed in business and beyond. Let?s take a look at how meditation can help you grow your business.

Clear your head and gain clarity

Your mind is like a computer that is constantly calculating and analyzing new information. Unfortunately, it will only turn off when it needs to shut down completely, i.e. when you?re asleep. Meditation allows you to regain control of your thoughts and emotions, and choose the path you want your mind to follow. It allows you to clear your head and gain clarity, so you can see the path ahead more clearly and make informed decisions that are better aligned with your goals. Whether you?re currently in the idea phase or looking to scale your business, meditation can help you take the time to reflect, evaluate, and make changes as you see fit. Keep in mind that it can take a few weeks of daily meditation to see real results. Meditation isn?t a quick fix for a lack of clarity in your business ? but it can be a great way to keep your mind clear and focused when you?re feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

Become more aware of your thoughts and actions

The more you meditate, the more in tune you?ll become with your thoughts and actions, and the better you?ll be at making conscious decisions and following through on them. This can help you become more aware of your thoughts and actions when making decisions in your business. You?ll also be better at identifying your emotions, as well as those of others, which can help you improve communication and decision-making in your business as well as your relationships. This increased awareness can help you be more self-aware, which is incredibly important when you?re trying to grow your business. You?ll be better at identifying your strengths and weaknesses, which will allow you to better understand your place in the market and make the right strategic decisions for your business.

Turn off your brain?s incessant chatter

The average human brain will create about 50,000 thoughts per day. Meditation allows you to become more aware of this noise that goes on in your head all of the time, and choose whether or not to listen. If you have a lot on your plate, it can be easy to get caught up in this incessant ?chatter? that goes on in your mind. You may find yourself making conclusions about the day without even realizing it. Meditation can help you break this habit and become more aware of these thoughts and feelings. You can then use meditation to silence your thoughts and focus on your breath instead. The more you meditate, the easier it will become to turn off this noise and focus on the present moment. This can help you make better decisions, reduce stress, and improve your business and relationships.

Build Your Self-Confidence

Self-confidence can be defined as your ability to trust your own decisions and judgments. What?s important to keep in mind is that self-confidence isn?t a skill you?re either born with or without; it?s something you can build. And, meditation is one of the best ways to do this. By practicing meditation on a regular basis, you can strengthen your self-confidence. Why? Because by learning to quiet your mind and focus on the present moment, you will gain more self-awareness and insight into your thoughts, emotions, and actions. This will allow you to make better decisions and trust those decisions more fully since you?ll be more confident in their accuracy. Building your self-confidence will allow you to become more successful in your business. You will have the self-belief you need to take risks, make smart investments, and trust your instincts when making important decisions.

Reduce Stress and Anxiety

No one can truly thrive when they are stressed and anxious. Unfortunately, running a business can be stressful and anxiety-inducing at times. This is especially true if you don?t know how to manage your stress. Meditation is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. The more you meditate, the more in tune you?ll become with your thoughts and emotions, which will allow you to identify when you?re beginning to feel stressed or anxious. You?ll also be better at letting go of these emotions, which will help you relax and let go of these feelings so you can move forward in your business with clarity and focus. Reducing stress and anxiety will allow you to have a better quality of life and be more effective in your business. You?ll have more energy, be less susceptible to burnout, and be better at making decisions when you?re calm and focused.

Discover What Really Makes You Happy

When you?re running a business, it can be easy to get caught up in the numbers, the deadlines, and other ?numbers? that are important to your business?s success. This can make it difficult to truly know what makes you happy. Meditation can help you discover what makes you happy. As you meditate, you?ll have the opportunity to explore your thoughts, feelings, and emotions without judgement. You can use this time to discover what makes you happy. You can then apply this knowledge to your business. It may be helpful to journal as you meditate so you can make notes about anything that stands out to you. If you know what makes you happy, you can make sure your business is aligned with that. It?s also easier to leave room for the things that bring you joy, even when you have a lot on your plate.

Discover Your Purpose

Your purpose is the reason you?re on the planet. It?s the reason you get out of bed in the morning and go to work. You?re very likely doing things every day that are aligned with your purpose, but may not even be aware of it. By meditating regularly, you are given the opportunity to seek out answers to your burning questions and understand your life?s purpose. You may already know what your purpose is or you may need a little help finding it. Regardless, there are a few things to keep in mind as you?re working towards discovering your purpose. The first is that it?s different for everyone. Your purpose will not be the same as your neighbour?s. The second is that it?s easier to find when you?re still. No matter what?s going on in your life, meditation can help you get in touch with your true self and help you find your purpose. When you know your purpose, you have a better idea of what you?re meant to be doing with your life and can make better decisions as a result.

Grow Your Network

As an entrepreneur, you know that having a strong network of like-minded individuals is key to success. A network is more than a group of people who ?like? your page on social media; it?s a group of people who support you, challenge you, and help you succeed. Making time to build and strengthen your network can be difficult, but meditation can help. By meditating regularly, you can make it a priority to meet with your network members. Whether you do this in person or over the phone, you can use meditation to help these meetings be more productive and beneficial for everyone involved. You can also use meditation to reflect and prepare for your next meeting with a network member. If a certain person has been particularly helpful to you, you can use meditation to figure out how you can return the favor.

Commit to your goals

If you?re like most entrepreneurs, you have a long list of goals and aspirations. Unfortunately, some of these goals may seem too big or too out of reach to actually achieve. Meditation can help you commit to your goals. The more you meditate, the more in tune you?ll become with your thoughts and emotions. This will allow you to become more aware of when you?re feeling doubtful about your goals and help you push through these feelings. It will also allow you to be more aware of what you need in order to achieve your goals, whether that?s more sleep, more time for yourself.

Meditations For Women Physicians (and others) Who Do Too Much

which features more than 100 inspiring meditations and prayers. These comforting words can help over-stressed, over-scheduled, overwhelmed women find peace, calm, and tranquility. Topics include perfectionism, relationship, forgiveness, and anxiety. This book is a balm for the over-worked soul.

Hi, I?m Dr. Robyn Alley-Hay?

and I have been there.

I was burned out, depressed and resilient as hell!

Resilience is something we doctors have an abundance of.

It is the planning of a career, communication skills, leadership skills, work life balance, self-awareness, resilience, and how to manage mental health and burnout that most of us don?t learn.

I can help - and they are skills you can learn! 

I provide comprehensive transformative programs for physicians and institutions.

My years of experience as an ob/gyn and a certified master physician development coach make me uniquely qualified to coach you.

I know where you have been and know exactly how far you can go with the right tools and mindset!

In my coaching practice, empowerment means remembering who you really are: strong, confident, competent, capable, and worthy. Worthy of love and happiness in this career you worked so hard for.